I use the gateway feature of go-zero to implement the mapping from HTTP to gRPC, and use etcd as the RPC service discovery. However, when I set the username and...
### Issue submitter TODO list - [X] I've looked up my issue in [FAQ](https://docs.kafka-ui.provectus.io/faq/common-problems) - [X] I've searched for an already existing issues [here](https://github.com/provectus/kafka-ui/issues) - [X] I've tried running `master`-labeled...
## Describe the feature ## Motivation ## Related Issues
Besides modifying the source code of the go-zero rest,I want to reduce the sensitivity of the BreakingHandler 
## Your Question I want to implement global error handling in Gorm, for example, if a 'too many connections' error occurs during Gorm operations, I want to send alerts via...