**TIP #**: 49 **Author**: TFL **Network**: v0.6.x **Date**: ## Summary Upgrade CosmWasm from 0.16 to 1.0. ## Motivation CosmWasm 0.16 does not currently support full IBC-Wasm functionality. Upgrading to CosmWasm...
**TIP #**: 46 **Author**: TFL **Network**: v0.6.x **Date**: ## Summary Create a mechanism to divert seigniorage to different addresses, whitelisted through government votes. The amount of seigniorage sent to each...
State sync will copy over the iavl store, but it has no idea of the contracts stored under data/wasm. This leads to the following error when querying a contract on...
Discussion on the forum: https://governance.aave.com/t/add-support-for-terra-usd-ust/6003