Simon Chan

Results 49 issues of Simon Chan

The most common number format used in China is 3/4/4 (`XXX XXXX XXXX`). Dash (`-`) is never used here. In Google's libphonenumber the metadata is like this: ```csv Id ;...

Fixes #3363 HID mode doesn't support this smooth scrolling, because sending fractional scrolling distance over standard HID mouse protocol seems complicated. I may investigate more in the future (plus horizontal...

- [x] I have checked that a similar [feature request]( does not already exist. **Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** I'm investigating yume-chan/ya-webadb#396, a user reported...

**Do you want to request a _feature_ or report a _bug_?** Bug **What is the current behaviour?** Transitions in react-transition-group only works in dev mode, but not in prod mode....

## Bug Report 在多台电脑上使用 Code 的设置同步,并在本插件设置持仓数据,偶现同步出现冲突 ## Current Behavior? ![image]( ![image]( Merge 界面显示只有这里冲突 ## Expected Behavior? Code 正常同步设置 ## Steps to reproduce [Optional] 1. 设置持仓数据 1. 在多台电脑上启用 Code 设置同步 2....

help wanted

**Describe the bug** The Search input box in member list of group information page doesn't work **To Reproduce** Steps to reproduce the behavior: 1. Open any group chat 2. Click...


[Direct Sockets API]( (formerly, "raw sockets API") ([Chrome Platform Status]( allows Web applications to create raw TCP or UDP sockets . It has been implemented in Chrome for quite a...

help wanted

- [ ] Color rows by priority (like Android Studio) ![image]( ( - [x] Multi-select - [x] Copy as default logcat format - [ ] Copy with custom formats -...

domain: binary-wrapper
domain: website

- [ ] Enumrate installed apps - [ ] icon, name, package name, version, target api, arch - [ ] permission - ❓ size - [ ] Install app -...

domain: binary-wrapper

Continuing #397 It would be interesting to provide more information about each packet, for example, a `CNXN` (connect) packet can be displayed as ```text Version: 0x01000001 Max payload size: 1048576...

domain: website