
Results 49 issues of YuLuo

change `node.previous = temp.previous;` to `temp.previous = node;` #3781

### Describe what this PR does / why we need it - Update sidecar-example docs, fix docs style error; - Add golang-service example, node services are less used, golang is...

Now, We have two roadmap documents, one in the central warehouse and one on the official website: - https://sca.aliyun.com/zh-cn/docs/next/overview/roadmap/doc/ - https://github.com/alibaba/spring-cloud-alibaba/blob/2022.x/Roadmap-zh.md They should be unified and timely updated to record...

## Background There have been a large number of requirements for version releases and bugfixes in recent community issues. This issue organizes the release requirements for each maintenance version. Everyone...

### Describe what this PR does / why we need it - For https://github.com/alibaba/spring-cloud-alibaba/issues/3557

### Describe what this PR does / why we need it - For https://github.com/alibaba/spring-cloud-alibaba/issues/3557

- Update license `2013-2023` -> `2013-2024`

The EndPoint node information exposes some sensitive information to the public network, causing security risks. eg: If database information is configured in nacos config module, database password, user name, ip...


Local packaging 'sca 2022.0.0.0-RC2' failed ### Error message: ``` [INFO] Running com.alibaba.cloud.tests.nacos.config.NacosConfigPropertiesServerAddressBothLevelTests 19:06:21.220 [main] DEBUG org.springframework.boot.test.context.SpringBootTestContextBootstrapper - Neither @ContextConfiguration nor @ContextHierarchy found for test class [NacosConfigPropertiesServerAddressBothLevelTests]: using SpringBootContextLoader 19:06:21.224 [main]...
