yujie.zhang (he/him)
yujie.zhang (he/him)
Usually the column names in the UNION result set are always equal to the column names in the first SELECT statement in the UNION. Fixed by https://github.com/apache/arrow-datafusion/pull/5452. @alamb Can this...
## copy into table ``` COPY INTO [.] [ ( [ , ... ] ) ] FROM externalLocation [ CONNECTION = ( connection_options ) ] [ FILE_FORMAT = ( TYPE...
First set the password for root and then enable security authentication.
Add `database` field to `QueryInfo` structure
This needs to be merged into 2.3
The feature of this parameter `must_change_password ` has not yet been implemented. As for when it will be implemented, it depends on the requirements.
Here's my take: When we receive a user request, and we're running a security check in CnosDB, we check if the user's password has been set. If it hasn't been...
The printing of data types can be modified through https://github.com/cnosdb/cnosdb/blob/a60ca635b35b752d0554465c6c00f1f25869a035/query_server/query/src/metadata/information_schema_provider/factory/columns.rs#L192, but I have not found a more elegant way to implement it.
Thank you @fredrikIOT for the detailed and insightful bug report! I'd like to determine the number of unique values present in the soft-sensor data collected over an 8-day period. This...