Yukio Takeuchi

Results 8 comments of Yukio Takeuchi

I have a similar trouble when compiling VAST_8_5_0.cpp from the R command ```r TMB::compile("VAST_v8_5_0.cpp") ``` On my Mac (MacOS 10.15.3) with Apple clang++ ``` $ clang++ -v Apple clang version...

First of all, I would like to express my appreciation for your great and long effort for the development of TMB. It is really useful. As for your comment that...

Thanks @kellijohnson-NOAA and @Rick-Methot-NOAA, I missed the foot note @kellijohnson-NOAA pointed out. I have one follow up question on CV_young and CV_old. In lines 140-159 of SS_biofxn.tpl seems that, if...

I realized datlist[["fleetnames"]] are not used by SS_witedat_3.30. howevr datlist[["fleetnames"]] are used by SS_readctl_3.30 if use_datlist is T to define ctllist[["fleetnames"]]. Also datlist[["fleetnames"]] are internally used by SS_readdat_3.30 to define...

As for the miceadds::write.fwf2, I quickly reviewed its code. It appeared, since it applies round function to each column of a data.frame, while write.fwf applies format function. Probably if write.fwf...

I made [modified R codes](https://gist.github.com/yukio-takeuchi/8191a65026d8dabe6693702f83cb2c28) based on miceadds::wrte.fwf2. Quick test with SS_writectl_3.30 seems fine. I welcome further tests with another functions in r4ss (e.g.SS_writedat_3.30) and any suggestins or comments. Although...

I crafted [an another R function](https://gist.github.com/yukio-takeuchi/321486a4141344121f582656ec0711fc) to write formatted table. This can be used by changing call of write.fwf to that of write_fwf4 with same arguments. This function relies on...

#635 is a pull request which replaces write.fwf with write_fwf4. Be careful since write_fwf4 produces slightly different table, although, to my sense, those differences are disirable.