Hi @bgoglin , I added a reply to the NVBUG ticket . Please kindly check it . It looks like your registered email is not reachable . Our bug report...
[ltoerr.txt](https://github.com/AMReX-Codes/amrex/files/11443646/ltoerr.txt) I added the full log for the lto-wrapper failure . It still reproduces for me on same config -- The C compiler identification is GNU 11.3.0 -- The CXX...
Looks not effective :( ``` $ cmake -DAMReX_GPU_BACKEND=CUDA -DAMReX_CUDA_LTO=OFF .. -- The C compiler identification is GNU 11.3.0 -- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 11.3.0 .... -- Found MPI_C:...
Sorry for the delay . It looks like related to the MPI . If I disable MPI via `-DAMReX_MPI=OFF` , the LTO flags are disabled and no more lto-wrapper error...
If I use our HPC MPI wrapper . With MPI enabled , I can also pass the full building . No LTO flag enabled by default . ```c++ -- Found...
I still can not repro the issue . See full build log on CUDA 12.2 [buildPassOn12.2.txt](https://github.com/AMReX-Codes/amrex/files/11958346/buildPassOn12.2.txt) It requires MPI_C/MPI_CXX in cmake configuration . I disabled MPI via '-DAMReX_MPI=OFF' since no...
Thanks for the exact commit , I am able to see the repro on 12.2 `[ 63%] Building CUDA object Amr/Advection_AmrCore/CMakeFiles/Advection_AmrCore.dir/Source/AmrCoreAdv.cpp.o Segmentation fault (core dumped)` Could you please file a...
I see. Also confirmed this failing commit passes on internal fix . They are indeed same issue . We can close this off .The fix will be soon available to...