
Results 9 issues of yuhong

WDEB386 from Windows 3.1 don't work. It thinks that the COM port is bad.

Later PC/XTs supported 720K floppies. PCjs don't support this.

Use https://www.pcjs.org/devices/pcx86/machine/compaq/deskpro386/vga/4096kb/debugger/ to run Windows 95 setup. Notice that there are problems

Put the first disk of MS-DOS 4.01 into drive A. When it is booted, it repeatedly asks for the install disk.

When I tried to load COM01.SYS, it prompts me with messages that the serial port is not supported.

Go to http://www.pcjs.org/disks/pcx86/windows/win95/4.00.950/debugger/ . Click Reset and then Run. Notice it hangs. Now, click Halt. Notice the ROM addresses now have zero data values.

Reading DMF floppies within Win95 is slow. This shows up particularly when installing components using Add/Remove Programs.

I used http://www.pcjs.org/disks/pc/windows/win95/4.00.950/ with CONFIG.SYS edited to load EMM386 to test this. After "emm386 off" then "emm386 on", the machine hangs after the "emm386 on".

Should we sniff Mac BinHex?