For the list here https://github.com/LucHermitte/lh-cpp/blob/master/ftplugin/c/word.list, printf and socket are all normal functions in c language,why not add them in the word.list?
我发现使用自签名,必须将verify设置成false ,如果verify是true,很多材料说: ``` 客户端config.json: "ssl": { "verify": true, "verify_hostname": true, "cert": "./server.crt", 服务端config.json: "log_level": 1, "ssl": { "cert": "/usr/local/etc/trojan/server.crt", "key": "/usr/local/etc/trojan/server.key", 其中server.crt为 同一个文件。 ``` 我测试了,根本行不通。
Login int my account in cloudflare,go to : ``` ssl/tls --> origin server --> create certificate --> create |---->origin certificate --> copy and save as cert.pem file --> |---->private certificate...
The expression in emmet: `bd1 s ` will expanded as `border: 1px solid #000; ` How to write the abbreviation for `border: 1px solid #dcd2ba; ` I have tried several...
I want to expand the expression : `ul.nav>(li.logo>img)+(li>a)*2` My expectation output is as below: ``` ``` Why the real expanded output is as following: ``` ```
The lines containing script and script:src in my snippets.json are as below. ``` script": "", "script:src": "", ``` Configuration in my .vimrc `let g:emmet_html5 = 0` Why `script` was expanded...
html:5 will be expanded as following. ``` ``` I want to customize it as following when to expand html:5 in my vim. ``` ``` Here is my try . vim...
填入你的 HA 密码以及高德 token // HomeAssistant访问地址 // 支持相对路径(如:"./../../..")和绝对路径(如:"http://www.xxx.com:8123") // !!! 注:非高级玩家请使用默认的相对路径,即"./../../..",全部照搬,保留..,无需任何改动 !!! HomeAssistantWebAPIUrl="./../../.." // 高德API key // 请至高德开放平台http://lbs.amap.com/获取 // (必填) GaodeMapKey="这里写API" // 永久Token(HomeAssistant 0.77.2版本以上时可用) // HomeAssistant 0.77.2版本以后,HomeAssistant登录后如果未启用记住密码,墨澜地图将无法自行获取Token(配置了正确的LongTimeToken后可以正常使用) // 获取方式见:https://bbs.hassbian.com/thread-4695-1-1.html //...
填入你的 HA 密码以及高德 token // HomeAssistant访问地址 // 支持相对路径(如:"./../../..")和绝对路径(如:"http://www.xxx.com:8123") // !!! 注:非高级玩家请使用默认的相对路径,即"./../../..",全部照搬,保留..,无需任何改动 !!! HomeAssistantWebAPIUrl="./../../.." // 高德API key // 请至高德开放平台http://lbs.amap.com/获取 // (必填) GaodeMapKey="这里写API" // 永久Token(HomeAssistant 0.77.2版本以上时可用) // HomeAssistant 0.77.2版本以后,HomeAssistant登录后如果未启用记住密码,墨澜地图将无法自行获取Token(配置了正确的LongTimeToken后可以正常使用) // 获取方式见:https://bbs.hassbian.com/thread-4695-1-1.html //...
``` debian@debian:~/scrcpy$ ninja -Cx ninja: Entering directory `x' [23/30] Generating scrcpy-server with a custom command. Downloading https://services.gradle.org/distributions/gradle-6.3-bin.zip .........10%..........20%..........30%.........40%..........50%..........60%.........70%..........80%..........90%..........100% Welcome to Gradle 6.3! Here are the highlights of this release: -...