where is @Anorov ? Please accept this RP.
OMG, about 3 years ago... I totally can't remember the context...
@FNGgames thanks for so quick answer, I know that, but if there's not "Update/Replace" event, I have to use IExecuteSystem.Execute in every frame loop to check some components value is...
@FNGgames thanks for your patient, let me explain more by code and design requirement. I have a list of behaviors data, each behavior data relates one component, > > interface...
@FNGgames I understand your meaning now, that's to say, I can write CheckDoSomethingStatusSystem like this: ```csharp class CheckDoSomethingStatusSystem : IReactiveSystem{ Filter(){ entity.hasDoSomethingStatus && entity.doSomethingStatus == Done; } GetTrigger(){ return CreateCollector(GameMatcher.ActionStatus);...