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Can netyreactive webserverfactory in spring cloud gateway realize multi domain name and multi certificate

If the beginning of the second line with data in the mac terminal under the problem ![image](

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### Ⅰ. Issue Description ![image]( ### Ⅱ. Describe what happened ### Ⅲ. Describe what you expected to happen ### Ⅳ. How to reproduce it (as minimally and precisely as possible)...

Looking forward to a support for index.d.ts, because it is inconvenient to use without TypeScript ![img]( This question is available on Nuxt community (#c36)


希望对 更多的全局变量有更多的选择性,比如浏览器的 location Navigator 等能去除掉,有个可选性的包, 或者说,目前希望有一个精简的 kraken-core,仅仅提供了样式功能,其他的功能为非必要功能,通过dart控制布局等


### 使用的 Kraken 版本 | What version of kraken are you using ### 重现步骤 | Steps To Reproduce css 外面的盒子包里面的元素,给最外面盒子 背景色,会出现里面的元素在盒子外,盒子的背景色比实际元素的小 **重现代码 | Code example:** **预期结果 | Expected results:** **实际结果...


I am very much looking forward to React having an ESM bundle version similar to Vue, This makes it more convenient to use the tree shading function specifically for scrolling,...

Status: Unconfirmed