> > i found that you crop the closest person for 3d datasets if have multiple person in one image, but for 2d dataset you may crop all persons in...
> Yep. The 6-DoF pose is another choice. But its searching space is larger than our keypoint choice. As for PnP, we used a non-differentiable version while you may want...
Thank you. bpnp can replace pnp to make it differentiable. I have another confuse about the cofing for training, what's the meaning of self.max_obj = 10, here: https://github.com/NVlabs/CenterPose/blob/6c89d420b33bd01c14c13f509af08bfe3d8b2fe7/src/lib/datasets/dataset_combined.py#L128 and the...
> simple-romp中的romp有简单的tracking功能,可以获取视频中每个人物的运动序列。 加上 `--temporal_optimize --smooth_coeff=3.` 可以实现追踪+时域优化 simple-romp应该是打包好的程序吧,我希望能对代码进行修改所以采用的是romp-v1.1的版本,请问1.1的版本里有将每帧人物对应的功能嘛,或者我如果自己增加,应该如何增加比较好呢~
> ple-romp只是可以通过pip安装,更方便的作为库 好的,明白啦,大神讲的太细致了,我这就去试一下~
> 1.simple-romp只是可以通过pip安装,更方便的作为库调用使用而已。simple-romp的代码更精简,可以实现的功能也不少,每次改完simple_romp内的代码,在simple_romp文件夹里重新安装一下`python setup.py install`就可以使用自己写的代码了。 > > 2.romp-v1.1也具有这个功能,在这里设置 > > https://github.com/Arthur151/ROMP/blob/653a0c9de13c7e242bc304147ae6559d1c6ff283/configs/webcam.yml#L18 非常感谢您的回答,我尝试了一下,还有一些问题想向您请教一下: 1. 我发现跟踪的时候抖动的情况比较频繁,经常会出现有些人物无法识别的情况,如果不启用temporal_optimization的时候情况就会好很多 2. 我发现您采用了norfair的跟踪器,不太清楚如果视频中新出现了一个人物,他是如何根据前几帧跟踪的呢 3. 您是采用的center的跟踪方式,然后我发现您还写了一个用2dkeypoint来进行跟踪,请问一下这个pj2d_org是pelvis节点对齐的嘛~
> > Do not directly use this python script, follow the usage in the ipython notebook and use dist_run.sh to launch the job. > > Thanks for your reply !...
> thanks for great repository..!! When i tried to run **bash ../../tools/dist_run.sh ../../tools/data/custom_2d_skeleton.py 4 --video-list custom_list.list --out custom_annos.pkl ** in **diving48_example.ipynb** to creat annotations following error comes: > > /home/ubuntu/miniconda3/envs/aiguard/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/distributed/launch.py:186:...
I have the similar question. No matter one or more gpus are used, errors will occur. I tested multiple versions of mmcv/mmdet/mmpose, but it still hasn't been solved. Details are...