I think there are multiple ways to increase/decrease the feature's importance. Like when do feature sampling, increasing the chance of some feature while decreasing some. I think current way of...
[xgboost math explanation](https://xgboost.readthedocs.io/en/latest/tutorials/model.html) I think this article write very well about the details The only big part it didn't cover is the shrinkage or learning rate. I think the discussion...
Seems I can't find the package in R cran, while install by github is interrupt regularly, hope someone could figure out the way to use this package, I think it...
> Hi yuanqingye, see https://topepo.github.io/caret/using-your-own-model-in-train.html > > I would stick to caret, and additionally run models outside caret, and take the model objects apart. You can also see qeML which...