Yuanjian Zhang
Yuanjian Zhang
Hi @lizziel, I am convinced that these strips are caused by horizontal flip when plotting the regridded data. The reformatting process in regridding functions does not correctly reshape regridded files...
Also note that each cube-sphere face is flipped separately, thus typical horizontal flip features cannot be told from a global plot.
Sure! Using the GCST offline emission maintainence HEMCO you provided. I ran tests for 201607 [w/](https://github.com/geoschem/HEMCO/files/14828294/HEMCO_sa_Config_w.yuanlai.rc.txt) and [w/o](https://github.com/geoschem/HEMCO/files/14828297/HEMCO_sa_Config_w.o_yuanlai.rc.txt) Yuan's MODIS LAI. Also confirmed in HEMCO log [w/](https://github.com/geoschem/HEMCO/files/14828308/hemco_log_w.yuanlai.txt) and [w/o](https://github.com/geoschem/HEMCO/files/14828309/hemco_log_w.o_yuanlaitxt.txt) that...
Hi @yantosca @YanshunLi-washu, to confirm my guess. I turned off all operations in GCClassics and ran only for emissions with Yuan's LAI turned on, and compared with results from HEMCO...
Hi @lizziel, I am generating a Yuan's MODIS LAI product that can be used in HEMCO standalone for offline emission. But I found something on the [WiKi page](https://wiki.seas.harvard.edu/geos-chem/index.php/Leaf_area_indices_in_GEOS-Chem) >Lizzie Lundgren...