
Results 5 comments of Zhimin_Yuan

When I using pytorch==1.3.1, it never reports this error.

Hi, @QingyongHu , I have the same question about Train/Val/Test Split of the datasets.

Hi, @amiltonwong , I found the split here. https://github.com/QingyongHu/SensatUrban/blob/a645399e836f980b05a46cc16f4f5cd773df81f2/main_SensatUrban.py#L27 ``` self.val_file_name = ['birmingham_block_1', 'birmingham_block_5', 'cambridge_block_10', 'cambridge_block_7'] self.test_file_name = ['birmingham_block_2', 'birmingham_block_8', 'cambridge_block_15', 'cambridge_block_22', 'cambridge_block_16', 'cambridge_block_27'] ``` However, according to Sec 4.1,...

I think the only thing we should do is modify the rscnn_ssn_cls.py. Try to use this. ` self.SA_modules.append( PointnetSAModuleMSG( npoint=512, first_layer=True, radii=[0.1, 0.2, 0.4], nsamples=[16, 32, 128], mlps=[[input_channels, 64], [input_channels,...

> I solved the problem by changing `dll=np.ctypeslib.load_library('render_balls_so','.')` into `dll = np.ctypeslib.load_library('render_balls_so.so', '.')` Thanks a lot!!!