Yurii Torbyk
Yurii Torbyk
Nova 4 supports it out of the box, check this page: https://nova.laravel.com/docs/4.0/search/#searching-relationships
Hi @Pavanvaddi, Did you install the extension via composer? It has dependancies. There is needed to download GeoIP2 DB in ToBai_GeoIp2 extension, be default it uses free DB.
Hi, @wcladesh Did you update Geo IP database in Tobai_GeoIp2 section?
I was able to configure Magento OS 2.2.5 with the extension to change store/website depending on IP. However as I understood you need to redirect customers by IP address, the...
Hi @wcladesh, I apologize for such long response. Actually switching manually should work, it sets cookies or pass store code as GET param and it should overwrite the StoreSwitcher.
Hi @nihachi I removed any limitation, now it should work with any PHP version that is supported by Magento.
Hi @pkjoshi Sorry, I was not able to reproduce the issue. Try to update the extension and its dependency, let me know if the issue still reproducible.
Hi @gaurangpadhiyar007 How did you install the extension? Did you install all dependences ("tobai/magento2-geo-ip2" with "geoip2/geoip2")?
@mathieuimbert thank you for pointing, I'll take a look soon.
Hi @amenk, Originally the intention of the extension was switching a store behind the scene but looks like it's not the best behavior of a website. So yes, you are...