Yad Smood
Yad Smood
[rod](https://github.com/ysmood/rod) 解决了很多 chromedp 多年没解决的问题,chrome 僵尸进程,自动下载 chrome,递归 iframe 的处理等。 发这个是希望能收集点开发的建议,比如作为上层用户你希望底层 driver 能支持哪些好用的功能。如果能加多交流或者合作那就再好不过了 ([telegram](https://t.me/ysmood))。 这是一个简单的 rod 使用示例:https://github.com/ysmood/v2ex-clockin
这个不同于教学文档的翻译,目前来讲我也没有什么要的最佳实践。初步的想法是建立两个 repo,一个英文版,一个中文版,目前中文班的项目地址是:https://github.com/go-rod/go-rod-chinese 由 @Fly-Playgroud 维护。 Rod Version: v0.108.2
We hope every issue is not only useful for you but also useful for everyone in the community: 1. If you ignore the comment of [rod-robot](https://github.com/rod-robot) 1. If the long...
Rod Version: v0.112.6 Such as enable/disable the tracing on the fly, simple element query, mouse control, etc
**Rod Version:** v0.102.0 ## The code to demonstrate your question ```go package main import ( "github.com/go-rod/rod" "github.com/go-rod/rod/lib/defaults" ) func main() { defaults.Show = true page := rod.New().MustConnect().NoDefaultDevice().MustPage("https://captcha.website") f := page.MustElement("div:not([style*='display:'])...
Before they solve this, it's really tricky to support firefox and chrome at the same time for a statically typed language like Golang or Java: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1661390
Similar to [puppeteer-recorder](https://github.com/checkly/puppeteer-recorder), but we don't have to ask the user to install a browser extension to record events. So that we can handle more events than the chrome extension....
If we implement #395 first, then maybe we don't need this feature.