Yonah Russ

Results 7 comments of Yonah Russ

Thanks, just got back from vacation and answered on the comments

@javicalle I noticed that converter but I'm not sure it's actually the same device. They list the model as SM-SO306E-2W which I've had for maybe a year already and it...

I don't know how this could possibly be helpful but after a bunch of random changes, both my devices are working with my quirk. Approximately I think this is what...

@javicalle Happy to test. Quick description of the device: There is one physical button which globally turns on or off the entire power strip. There are 6 lights on the...

With or without the quirk, HA creates 5 switches for the device but they don't have any effect. HA doesn't reflect the state of the outlets if I toggle them...

Would it be helpful to temporarily bring up a clean HA instance with debug logging enabled and provide the log of the pairing? Alternatively, if I could find a Tuya...

Any update on this?