Results 14 comments of Yaron Keren

I have not tested zapcc on termux. Can it build clang from sources?

python must be on the PATH in order to be found automatically. Regarding the error, could you try using the mingw-builds of mingw-w64 and not the msys2 one, as detailed...

I see. This looks like this revision of LLVM does not work with 64 target of mingw-w64, hopefully fixed in later revisions. For now, the only option is to use...

Yes, good find, will be fixed in later update or cherry pick this patch

There are many changes across the LLVM/clang codebase to enable caching and unloading. diff LLVM r325000 and zapcc to see them.

This looks like the right commit. Developing zapcc we were very careful to minimize the diff which was much smaller than 100MB, about 300KB if I recall correctly. We were...

Yes, only the LLVM and clang were modified.

zapcc is non-deterministic since it keeps state between compilations and may use it to benefit, for example zpacc can inline a function from a previously-compiled source file, very similar to...

zapcc had not been updated for quite a while, maybe the include paths are not correct for gcc 9.2.