Yrian Derreumaux
Yrian Derreumaux
I am currently working on integrating a [tfrs](https://www.tensorflow.org/recommenders) model into an existing [TFX](https://www.tensorflow.org/tfx) pipeline to provide on-service recommendations. I am quite new to both [TFX](url) and tfrs and am not...
I am working with a relatively small data set and am noticing that users are being recommended a lot of items they have previously interacted with and I would like...
Thanks in advance for any guidance on this issue and I apologize if I am missing something in the docs. However, despite attempting related solutions (e.g., [#1108](https://github.com/tensorflow/tfx/issues/1108), [#1885](https://github.com/tensorflow/tfx/issues/1885), [#1906](https://github.com/tensorflow/tfx/pull/1906) etc.)...