Clifton Hills
Clifton Hills
I configured the retry option according to the document. After several attempts, i found that the retry option is only valid for front-end servers, not for back-end servers. e.g. If...
1、官网 最新文档版本号是0.28.0,文档写的简直粗陋到不堪过目,任何一位新手如果按文档照做,都是绝对不可能将应用构建成功的; 2、使用最新脚手架[email protected]的命令 weex platform add android 创建的android工程的build.gradle文件中的weex sdk 的版本号是0.20.3.0-beta,而且该android工程本身也很旧,根本不能适配Android R; 3、Maven仓库的weex sdk版本号是0.30.2。 我需要最新的适配Android R的文档、Android工程模板、Gradle构建依赖。
因为按照官网文档无法构建成功Android应用,所以还需要参考Playground里的源码自行修改构建,但是Playground里面的代码注释几乎没有,许多代码都无法知其准确用意。如:org/apache/weex/ onCreate() 方法中的这一句代码:WXSDKManager.getInstance().setAccessibilityRoleAdapter(new DefaultAccessibilityRoleAdapter()); 请帮我解惑!谢谢!
`enum Order { // ascending order ASC = 0; // descending order DESC = 1; }` `message PagingRequest { map orderBy = 4 [(validate.rules).map = {ignore_empty: true, keys: {string:...
As the title say, there is the only one way to set the view's controller via "fx:controller" in fxml file and no way can set the controller via the pure...
The current **Git_Bash** does not support paths with **spaces** and does not support the "**\\**" path for **Linux Shell**. It is also not easy to use. So whether Windows or...
如题,既然 Tendis 已经是硬盘存储了,那它可以直接取代 MySQL / MongoDB 之类的硬盘存储型数据库吗?
The closed [#619 issue]( is still unresolved. ```proto enum Order { ASC = 0; DESC = 1; } message PagingRequest { map orderBy = 1 [(validate.rules).map = {ignore_empty: true, keys:...
On willdockerhub of the docker hub, there is only coredns:1.8.6 without coredns/coredns:v1.8.6. So when i run: kubeadm init --kubernetes-version v1.23.5 --image-repository I got an error: **error execution phase preflight:...
Hi, we want to use ServiceWeaver to implement a modular design ERP product similar to Odoo. Is there a way to implement a feature similar to Odoo's dynamic loading/unloading of...