Willyams Yujra

Results 5 issues of Willyams Yujra

I declared this configurarion in my pom.xml > org.lesscss lesscss-maven-plugin bootstrap/bootstrap.less minify compile true {fileName}.min.css When run, the file generated is bootstrapbootstrap.min.css when i hope bootstrap/bootstrap.min.css. The variable {fileName}...

I converted the main project to maven structure

I have implemented the feature described on the https://github.com/remix-run/remix/discussions/2891. This include the serverBasename attribute on remix.config.js for declare a prefix to URL > serverBasename default value is "" > fix...

CLA Signed

I have implemented the feature described on the https://github.com/remix-run/remix/discussions/2891. This include the serverBasename attribute on remix.config.js for declare a prefix to URL > serverBasename default value is "" > fix...

CLA Signed

Hello friend, This library has been very useful in my projects, but now that I've completed a very large project, I've encountered some issues regarding SOLID principles. Regarding the Single...
