
Results 2 issues of yqliu9240

Hello LINDA developers, I have performed registration between the patient's T1 and template brain, and I now want to transform some ROIs from template brain to the patient's T1, applying...

Hello! I got this error when running the mri_convert command under the "=====Creating orig and rawavg from input=======" section: mri_convert -rl /Users/chenglu/Documents/Liu/LS_VBG/VBG_out/output_VBG/sub-LS/sub-LSfastsurfer/sub-LS/mri/brain.mgz /Users/chenglu/Documents/Liu/LS_VBG/VBG_out/proc_VBG/sub-LS/sub-LS_Brain_clean.nii.gz /Users/chenglu/Documents/Liu/LS_VBG/VBG_out/output_VBG/sub-LS/sub-LSfastsurfer/sub-LS/mri/real_T1.mgz Started @ 2022-10-11_21-56-11 pid = 98958...