
Results 267 comments of Amumu

```shell nvm alias default system ``` Is this what you want?

@joezimjs Here is it. It works fine in es6, not ts. I am looking for an answer to make the TS work fine. Does anyone know something?

@benjick Your method is feasible, but it cannot support multiple entries. For example, I have both a server and a client in a project, for some reason.

@benjick @jaredpalmer No, just http client and server. Two entries.

Has the maintainer given up on this repo?

> Seems most have moved on to [redux-first-history]( It hasn't any issues with the latest version of `react-router-dom@6`. Thanks, I'll take a look.

Need this, multiple application instances are load balanced through `Nginx`, and each instance has the same chunks file name for all builds.

> Nuxt 3 has [extends]( to support this. [See extends status]( > > There is an npm module for Nuxt 2, [nuxt-extend]( It's not working as I expected: