
Results 6 comments of Mark

Hey @chunyenHuang, sorry about dropping off. Also strapped on time but would love to help. Here are some of the things in my use case. I'm filling in a 80+...

FYI, you might not need to do the flattening, but I was having name/type collision issues within the PDF (ex: you can't have the same name for an input checkbox...

Hitting a similar issue, but I'm doing a loop using multiple `bulk_create` calls. I'm inserting ~30 records, and I will receive the "Resetting connection..." response at the same point in...

Unfortunately still investigating the issue but FYI in terms of severity, this issue is making the ORM unusable for me :( doesn't seem like many folks are reporting it though

Still trying to address this, switched from `asyncpg` to `psycopg` and getting a variation of the same error 😩 ``` psycopg==3.0.12 psycopg_pool==3.1.3 ``` error text is ``` closing returned connection:...

Also noticing something similar. When I ssh to my pi and run my python file it's fine but not seemingly getting any data or errors when I run the script...