Closes: #XXX Related: #XXX ## Description ______ For contributor use: - [ ] Targeted PR against correct branch (see [CONTRIBUTING.md](https://github.com/certikfoundation/shentu/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#pr-targeting)) - [ ] Linked to Github issue with discussion and...
Closes: #XXX Related: #XXX ## Description ______ For contributor use: - [ ] Targeted PR against correct branch (see [CONTRIBUTING.md](https://github.com/certikfoundation/shentu/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#pr-targeting)) - [ ] Linked to Github issue with discussion and...
## Summary The current Gov module was mostly written back during the mainnet launch phase, which is somewhat outdated. We did make some changes to accomodate weighted votes and so...
## Summary Enable paginated query in shield ## Problem Definition Currently we have many providers on shentu-1 mainnet, but querying `shield providers` will simply return the entire providers list. Since...
Closes: #451 Related: #XXX ## Description ______ For contributor use: - [ ] Targeted PR against correct branch (see [CONTRIBUTING.md](https://github.com/certikfoundation/shentu/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#pr-targeting)) - [ ] Linked to Github issue with discussion and...
## Summary of the Bug This bug is in x/auth where the migration from v1 to v2 is ignored due to the variable mismatch. Since the upgrade is already past...
## Summary of the Bug After correctly adding in the `params` module manager, the import-export simulation tests started failing only for the case where bank/SendEnabled param is empty. We need...
## Summary Now that Certik Foundation has rebranded to Shentu Foundation along with the chain name, we should rename the binary as well.
Currently in Gov module's simulations most of the votes are resulting in an error (probably due to the certifier voting round we have). We might want to adjust it such...
## Summary currently it takes around \~30 minutes to run multi seed simulation tests. This is probably because either there are too many operations per block. We want to reduce...