Koala Yeung

Results 86 comments of Koala Yeung

I had the same issue after upgrade to 1.8. Also solved by debug mode. Also because of some previously built file in `pkg`.

Recently stumbled upon an issue with PHP's [ReflectionType](https://www.php.net/manual/en/class.reflectiontype.php). If you use the documented [ReflectionType::__toString](https://www.php.net/manual/en/reflectiontype.tostring.php), intelephense would tell you it is deprecated and please use "getName" instead. ![2020-11-21 06-04-26 的螢幕擷圖](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/91274/99854261-75cc4000-2bbf-11eb-8d1f-ed4390987fe2.png) But...

> Actually yookoala/gofast looks very interesting, it has some features some people have asked for like FastCGI Authorizers. Since it's basically just a `handler`, maybe we could swap it in?...

Any news on this feature yet?

A quick note on point 1 in "What": SNS like Mastodon federates their identity by including the server domain to it (i.e. "[email protected]" for my account here). The same username...

Anyway, as @bill-auger pointed out in #1, we should have a mailing list for formal work group discussion. Should we use [Google Group](https://groups.google.com/)? Or should we use other notable services?...

@bill-auger: Are there any good (and free :-) ) mailing list service out there we might use?

I heard good comments on framasoft's service ([Framalistes](https://framalistes.org)). If there is no objections, I'd start a list there tomorrow :-)

@bill-auger: I think @21stio meant to pointe out that this thread is not about specification or implementation details. Although @simon-brooke has valuable input, it is not about forming a work...

So, I'll try to summarize what we've got so far: ### Mailing List Seems everyone agrees to start a mailing list for future discussion. Candidates that received active support: *...