It's more noticeable on shorter/low-res screens. To reproduce the issue you can paste ```javascript throw '\n'.repeat(33) ``` into a dweet and then scroll down. I'm guessing Waypoint.Inview can't handle dynamic...
At the moment expressions like (take 4 (interleave (repeat 1) (repeat 2))) loop infinitely. This patch should fix that. See also: https://github.com/clojure/clojure/commit/5cddaf84b648657237bc1b5d81d65a5072e9c3be
The following code throws a VerifyError: Error #1019: Getscopeobject 1 is out of bounds. ``` ((fn ([] (fn [] nil)) ([x] nil))) ```
``` -> (let [s "abcd" index-of (. s indexOf)] (index-of "c")) 5 -> (let [s "abcd" index-of (get-property s "indexOf")] (index-of "c")) 2 -> (let [s "abcd"] (= (. s...
Is there a reason for them to do that? It makes porting clojure code harder, sneaks up on you in destructuring lets etc. I've had them return null for a...