Yonat Sharon

Results 12 comments of Yonat Sharon

Thanks for submitting such a clear issue to check. I'm afraid I'm not able to solve the issue either.

You can disable some of the thumbs: ```swift slider.disabledThumbIndices = [1, 3] ``` Would that help?

Hmmm. You can disable the thumb for some users but not others. As for the message, I personally don't like UX that tells the user "you did something that is...

Really? Did you change `isContinuous`? Because it works for mw when I add the following to the `Example` project: ```swift @objc func sliderChanged(_ slider: MultiSlider) { slider.value = [3] }...

Would you say more about what you are trying to achieve? Should the snap values be [2, 2, 2, 4, 4]? Or should they change when the rightmost thumb moves?

Sorry, I don't use Carthage myself so it's out of my scope. But if you submit a pull request with Carthage support I would be happy to merge it.

Not sure how to resolve the warning, but I recommend adding `.fixedSize()` when using `RadioGroupPicker` in SwiftUI.

Yes, I'm not sure how to fix the warning. But `fixedSize()` seems to help make the layout work better.

Actually small `estimatedItemSize` is just a way to have the cells auto-sized by AutoLayout.

@yannickl Some of my users fail to scan with version 10.1.0 of the pod (integrated into an app) when it works fine on version 10.0.0. (camera works fine, but QR...