Ján Neščivera

Results 18 issues of Ján Neščivera

It would be nice if one could specify how objects are flattened when used as parameters to GET method. For example I have a refit API definition as follows: ```csharp...

I have an API definition as follows: ```csharp public interface IApi { [Get("/info")] Task GetInfo(string name, [Query(Format = "yyyy-M-d")] DateTime date, [Query(Format = "")] Size carSize); } ``` where `Size`...


I recently migrated an Angular 7 application (that was using chartist) to Angular 8. After migration the app no longer works with the following error in console: `Uncaught ReferenceError: global...

Currently @types/googlemaps are in peerDependencies of @agm/core, but as @agm/core reexports some types from @types/googlemaps they should be in dependencies. See for example official google-map component from angular/components at https://github.com/angular/components/blob/master/src/google-maps/package.json...

Currently @google/markerclustererplus is in peerDependencies of @agm/markerclusterer, but as its only internal dependency it should go to dependencies to be installed automatically with @agm/markerclusterer

Documentation of `AgmMarkerCluster`'s `ignoreHidden` property https://angular-maps.com/api-docs/markerclusterer/directives/agmmarkercluster#ignoreHidden states that `MarkerClusterer.repaint()` should be called, but currently there is no way to access `MarkeClusterer` reference.

Currently when you try to inject `ClusterManager` in the constructor you get runtime error `NullInjectorError: No provider for ClusterManager`. It would be nice if it would be injectable.

@google/markerclustererplus was deprecated and replaced by @googlemaps/markerclustererplus, the dependencies should be adjusted accordingly see https://www.npmjs.com/package/@google/markerclustererplus

It would be nice if in service row of nested range we could access parent item, for example using `{{parent.Property}}` syntax. This is handy if you wan to create some...


Currently when creating nested (master+detail) tables the parent range need to contain its child range completely, which makes sense, but in addition to this parent range also needs to contain...
