Hi, are you using a default model, or did you train your own? It may be coming from a problem with the dimensions of the data that is passed as...
Yes, you can convert your files to mzML format using MSconvert from ProteoWizard ([this should help](https://ccms-ucsd.github.io/GNPSDocumentation/fileconversion/)). You can also check out data format requirements on NeatMS doc [here](https://neatms.readthedocs.io/en/latest/first-steps/data-format/)
Hi Drew, This is unfortunately not supported yet. I'll add it to the list of features for the next release (out by the end of this year). As a temporary...
Hi Margot, As this is related to this issue, it is fine, we can continue discussing this here. To answer your first question, the minimum scan number is the only...