Yogesh Beniwal
Yogesh Beniwal
Updated results above after testing with v0.3.4. Using Post Sidebar Template.
@uPagge Can you share nginx configuration changes and other settings change you are doing to serve images?
@godofredoninja Thank you for considering that. Looking forward 👍
Updated results above after testing with v0.3.4. Using Post Sidebar Template.
@ddur Configuration quoted at #396 is related to caching in Nginx FastCGI cache. Pull request above is for browser caching on client side, which as per Google recommendation should be...
Also OIDC users are also asked to set password during signup, which should not be the case.
@patrickdung When you use external authentication, changing password is disabled as its not stored in Coral.
@losowsky Can we pls keep issues open while they are being worked upon for easy tracking.
@KazunoriSawayama data/mongo and data/redis are required for proper functioning. Better you reinstall Coral Talk from scratch to get it working.
@wyattjoh Is there a way to remove email based auth for all existing account. While using only SSO is resulting in INTERNAL_ERROR: DUPLICATE_EMAIL for existing users.