Mark Wagie

Results 80 comments of Mark Wagie

@flops I've added [`hardcode-tray`]( to the Manjaro Community repo with your hook. Let me know if there should be any adjustments. It's working great for me. EDIT: I've removed it...

@yuzvir How did you install Hardcode Tray? See my edited comment above.

@yuzvir > the old package What old package? Use my `hardcode-tray-git` package from my GitHub like I mentioned above.

Oh, I misunderstood about the old package bit. I really have no idea why that would happen. It works for me using Pacman, Yay and Topgrade. I don't use Pamac.

@adambeutler: You can create a new file and paste the contents of `` into it and it will work. Or you can directly run the JAR: ``` exec /usr/bin/java -jar...

@CodeLongAndProsper90: While adding a desktop file and icon is a technically an "extra feature", it's rather flimsy. Also, `bpytop-desktop` makes it sound like like a GUI. See [AUR submission guidelines](

@MacTavishAO Apparently your code quality is good enough according to @fabianhjr. Please create a new PR.

I can't reproduce that.

`xhost` is part of the `xorg-xhost` package which is required by `gdm`. I'm running a Xorg session.

It didn't seem to make any difference: ``` ❯ xhost +SI:localuser:root localuser:root being added to access control list ``` ``` ● keyboard-colors.service - System76 Keyboard Colors Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/keyboard-colors.service; disabled;...