Yoav Karako
Yoav Karako
Hi, Thanks for showing interest in the package. The underlying values of the `SortType` enum are indeed numeric, as can be seen [here](https://github.com/Soluto/graphql-to-mongodb/blob/master/src/graphQLSortType.ts) (near the end of the file). If...
Sorry for the overdue response. That sounds like a feature worth adding to the package. I'm not sure when I'll get around to it, but in the meantime you can:...
You're right! Union types are not addressed in the code presently. If you're interested in implementing this capability, we could discuss behavior.
* Filtering * At first, joining all filter types seems like the most convenient solution, but a hurdle that would need to be addressed is type conflicts between fields of...
@pritam-patil `iPhone X` and `iPhone Xs` are two separate devices. The `Xs` and `Xs Max`, two of Apple's latest devices, are still unavailable through the service. Any word on when...