
Results 11 issues of ynma-hanvo

hi, is this network able to be exported to onnx format and run on tensorrt.

I checked the opencv sgbm implementation, which has a step called preFilterCap and calcaluate cost with calcPixelCostBT, is this part missing in this implementation and if there is any plan...

can not build , the error is : /TensorRT-Yolov3/tensorRTWrapper/code/include/PluginFactory.h:20:29: error: ‘nvinfer1::plugin::createPReLUPlugin’ has not been declared . i check the NvInferPlugin.h file , there is no createPReLUPlugin , but only createLReLUPlugin....

will it run on ubuntu18 with ros melodic? i can not build it successfully

i have done constant unfolding with the model first, the tensorrt-onnx-parse gives me the following error. graphShapeAnalyzer.cpp::analyzeShapes::1872] Error Code 4: Miscellaneous (IElementWiseLayer Mul_2509: broadcast dimensions must be conformable. is it...

thanks for sharing your latest work. when i enable the max_block_distance_from_body to small value like 2.0; updateESDF function always have illegal memory access, I tried to check for null_ptr and...

hi, thanks a lot for sharing this code; the dropbox link is not-working for me, can you provide another link to download.

in ssim function, i found the avg_o and avg_r is from Range(k, k + block_size) instead of Range(m, m + block_size). is this a bug? by the way, what ssim...

Hi, thanks for open source this great project for 3d constructions. as stated in the title, do you have any suggestion on it if I am interested at unknown initial...

hi, thanks for sharing the great slam project. I have the following question: what is the global distance threshold you suggest to use in order to get more accurate loop...