Yamamoto, Hirotaka

Results 31 comments of Yamamoto, Hirotaka

There should be a system ClusterRole named `system:auth-delegator` for granting access to SubjectAccessReviews API. ref. https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/extend-kubernetes/configure-aggregation-layer/#extension-apiserver-authorizes-the-request As the current manifest has ClusterRoleBinding for `system:auth-delegator` already, I don't understand the reason...

@ysksuzuki updated this to clarify things.

@ysksuzuki I think this can be done without preStop hook by holding SIGTERM processing for a while in coil-egress.

@zoetrope @d-kuro Maybe grafana-operator also needs to be enhanced for this.

@ChrisChoke I'm not maintaining this repository right now. will check the current status with my colleagues.

For reference, the epic for Ubuntu 20.04 was #741.

Hi, thank you for questions! Yes, goma is a tool like nagios, yet it is quite clean and portable thanks to Go. We are deploying goma on all hosts (1000+)...

One more test case is in the test for `NodeGetVolumeStats`: https://github.com/kubernetes-csi/csi-test/blob/477c7e9c91f9aaaba90e734026dfbb8c9f8ac22a/pkg/sanity/node.go#L461

You can change them by adding command-line flags to `moco-controller`. https://github.com/cybozu-go/moco/blob/main/docs/moco-controller.md Specifically, > --agent-image string The image of moco-agent sidecar container > --backup-image string The image of moco-backup container >...