用 Salt 的话,对于新用户来说还是有一定的学习成本的,或许 Ansible 会是一个更好的方案。
Hcloud manager errors: Couldn't reconcile node routes error listing routes context deadline exceeded
We have had the same issues recently and constantly hit the Hetzner cloud's rate limit probably due to retries. Also, the document says the rate limit is per project, not...
Hcloud manager errors: Couldn't reconcile node routes error listing routes context deadline exceeded
> @mmpetarpeshev > > Ok, good news, so its the API limit. Dont worry, this is an internal mechanism to prevent spam. I will talk to some collegues how we...
Hcloud manager errors: Couldn't reconcile node routes error listing routes context deadline exceeded
@LKaemmerling Thanks, the ticket ID is #2022083103009613
Got ...I'll fix it.
I have a similar problem but the cause is different, net-snmp wasn't able to import `RFC1155-SMI` when we use a custom MIB directory. After downloading `https://github.com/haad/net-snmp/tree/master/mibs` and putting it in...
Adding comment to avoid this PR being automatically closed.
是创建虚拟 Directory 的时候设置为私有,但是 ... 嗯简而言之就是 bucket 读写权限设置为私有是个 bug 不是 feature。我来修一下。