Igor Yalovoy
Igor Yalovoy
Pretty sure that was request a couple times already.
Absolutely agree!
I'd love to swap `Context` for something more sound. Couldn't come up with anything better. Any ideas are welcome. Regarding renaming `lib` for `web3`. The issue with `web3` is that...
Hey @tab00. It seems to be compiler related issue. Can you run `truffle compile`? Does it compiles fine? Also which version of truffle you use?
I've tried you version and it works on linux machine. I'll try tomorrow on windows machine, don't have it at hand at that moment.
Hey @tab00. Sorry for a delay. Can you verify that contracts are actually present at `node_modules/@OpenZeppelin\contracts-ethereum-package\contracts\`?
Hey/ @KomplexMojo! Sorry to hear about your experience. Have you tried [windows build tools](https://www.npmjs.com/package/windows-build-tools)? They helped many people on windows to install node dependencies.