Igor Yalovoy
Igor Yalovoy
I am getting the same issue with `0.8.9` version of Solidity while trying to migrate from 0.7.x version. It doesn't even tell which file produce the issue. Is there way...
setting gas in Hardhat config to something like 9e6 would fix the issue for me. Though, I am not sure why MAX_SAFE_INTEGER is rejected by BigNumber.
@sampsojp thank for mentioning! I'll try to fix it soon.
Hey @dimitrileite. Sorry to hear about your poor experience. Can you try to import react hooks in the following way: ``` import { useWeb3Injected, useWeb3Network } from '@openzeppelin/network/lib/react'; ``` at...
Hm. Strange. Have you run `npm install` inside client folder? Can you check that `react` folder exists at path `client/node_modules/@openzeppelin/network/lib/react`?
Hey @pcowgill. Things are looking promising for `ethers.js`. I'll keep posting updates to this issue.
@frangio that brings us back to the whole design discussion. We import `test-env` in a sync way so users can access `accounts` and other properties instantly. But if we have...
Hey @miohtama. Thanks a lot for putting this list together! I absolutely agree that better documentation is a key. >Asserting for tripped require() Can you elaborate on that? I am...
Thanks @miohtama! That is certainly a way to do. The only small issue I see is that you have to fund your mnemonic accounts if you run them over Ganache.
Agree with @frangio on the grouping. Accounts are also a part of Ganache/Node grouping because eventually Ethereum client is holding them.