Elias Rabel

Results 22 comments of Elias Rabel

Hi, I have not tried this kind of setup on Windows and I'm not sure if python3-config is available from some anaconda package. However it's possible to build on Windows...

I checked the Codeblocks example again and the command used for linking with the Python runtime library was: ```bash x86_64-w64-mingw32-gfortran.exe -LC:\Users\username\Anaconda3 -o main.exe forpy_mod.o main.o -lpython37 ``` (adjust paths and...

Yes, that's basically correct. main.f90 is just the filename of my code example. forpy_mod should have the extension .F90, since it needs to be preprocessed: use the filename forpy_mod.F90 instead...

I have not encountered this problem yet, thanks for posting the issue. It's strange that it fails in the second case, probably an import error? I assume that you did...

Could be a problem with the anaconda install. It looks like libpythonX.Y is not loaded (see [1]). Which is strange since it should be in the output of `python3-config --ldflags`...

Glad that it worked. Which link command did you use in the end? I could reproduce the error with a fresh install of miniconda (conda 4.8.3). With the original linking...

Thanks for sharing. I compared the output of `python3-config --ldflags` of an older conda install (4.5.4.) with the most recent one (4.8.3.). The older one has the additional flags `-Xlinker...

Thanks for the suggestion, it is certainly something to consider. Do you have an application, where sub-interpreter support would be useful right now? In my opinion, threading support should be...

As a proof of concept, you could try to call the necessary C API functions (`Py_NewInterpreter()`,...) directly. One questions is, whether `numpy` plays nicely with subinterpreters. I don't know what...