I struggle to generate a HTML report with a bokeh plot from a md file containing the documentation example cited above. I tried `pweave -f md2html sample.pmd` but I get...
Yes I took exactly the code of the documentation, as shown in CurtLH post above (between triple backquotes not visible here), that's why I ask; I did it on a...
I figured out that I had also a problem in rendering the output of & chunks as in issue #132 . As the problem seemed to come from the version...
@yportier : it works pretty well for me now. Using the examples code of the documentation with an installation with ipykernel==4.10.0, pweave and bokeh libs. Then use the `pweave -f...
Hello, I used the openslide-python lib and got the same issue on Hamamatsu file > 4.2Go. None of the big files can be opened with openslide while the windows ndpi...
Hey, I use the openslide-python [deepzoom_multiserver.py](https://github.com/openslide/openslide-python/blob/master/examples/deepzoom/deepzoom_multiserver.py) script to set up a server which lists all available slides by using the lowlevel.detect_vendor function - which maps to the [openslide_detect_vendor](https://github.com/openslide/openslide-python/blob/master/openslide/lowlevel.py) function -...