
Results 8 issues of ykuc

if I try to use chyt in datagrip with Bool column, I will have error `[07000][1002] Unknown data type: YtBoolean, server ...` Driver: ClickHouse JDBC Driver (ver. 0.4.2 (revision: 1513b27),...


**How to reproduce?** Create an empty din table and insert data. When table row = 0, I try to read using spyt in python and can't see rows


Can you add the opportunity to export data in csv format? It can be a special case of schemaful dsv with fixed delimiters "," and "\n"


When I click "new query" in open in the same tab. Though, I push "control" and click "new" (




Add information in [docs](https://ytsaurus.tech/docs/ru/user-guide/data-processing/spyt/thesaurus/write-options) about read and write options for dynamic tables : **read** - read the last data `.option("enable_inconsistent_read", "true") ` - read data on [timestamps](https://ytsaurus.tech/docs/en/user-guide/dynamic-tables/transactions#timestamps) `.option("timestamp", ts)` ```...

help wanted
good first issue

Run several queries for chyt using `;` for splitting requests and it opens several results. I think we could do it In the internal installation

https://ytsaurus.tech/docs/ru/api/python/dataclass#introduction don't have information, how can I use DateTime types in python data class example ``` from datetime import datetime import yt.wrapper @yt.wrapper.yt_dataclass class Test: load_dttm: yt.wrapper.schema.Datetime client = yt.wrapper.YtClient()...