Dmitry Kann

Results 53 comments of Dmitry Kann

How many instances of the app are running? Check with ```bash ps auxw | grep indicator-sound-switcher ```

Well, then it must be a glitch in the tray icon lib (`gir1.2-ayatanaappindicator3-0.1` or `gir1.2-appindicator3-0.1`). Which one (or both) do you have installed?

Try ```bash apt list --installed '*appindicator*' ```

You can try to replace libappindicator with the Ayatana lib ```bash sudo apt remove gir1.2-appindicator3-0.1 sudo apt install gir1.2-ayatanaappindicator3-0.1 ``` (In fact you can skip the first step, the removal...

This is weird because the menu selection is controlled by PulseAudio events and is independent of the switching method. So it might be a quirk of your desktop environment. What...

I don't see anything fishy in the log so tend to think it's a bug in your DE. What are your distro and DE?

DE = desktop environment, Gnome in your case. Well, nothing too bizarre here as I see.

Is it really slow or the change of selection doesn't happen *at all* when using a shortcut key?

Could you check if this is still the case in the latest version?