You can set the _buttonsDirection_ property of **AlertStyle** to _ButtonsDirection.column_
@ArunJRK thanks a lot. This worked! Been tearing my hair out for several hours. Thanks again. 👍
> @ykiran @ArunJRK can you guys please let me know how to overcome the issue with this workaround in flutter ios pod file. I tried but nothing different from previous...
> @ykiran it's not working for me. @Shahmirzali-Huseynov Can you post in detail what changes you've made and whether you have followed the instructions that @ArunJRK mentioned? I've also posted...
Same here. None of the command options work. Always the same error: > The input line is too long. > The syntax of the command is incorrect.
ios error Signing for "DKImagePickerController-DKImagePickerController" requires a development team.
@ThickLine @Cheng455153666 Where do you specify these lines? Please help. Thanks in advance.
ios error Signing for "DKImagePickerController-DKImagePickerController" requires a development team.
Thanks @ThickLine for taking the time to explain this. However, I went with this fix and it worked. https://github.com/zhangao0086/DKImagePickerController/issues/705#issuecomment-1250706936