Yujie Wen
Yujie Wen
OK. I found actually custom instructions can finish within one cycle, as far as its result is not immediately used by following instructions. I guest the result of RoCC is...
@zhejianguk Haven't touched rocket-chip for a long time. By my memory, the rocket-chip CPU is pipelined, you can have RoCC module to return value within one cycle, but it costs...
Met the same compilation error with NDEBUG defined today. After some digging into tensor's code, I guess it is due to the wrong position of `BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE` placed before `template` keyword...
Could you please paste the headings of that example? I didn't reproduce the alignment issue with only the body contents. BTW. org-reveal-center:f is obsolete and it was used for specifying...
I tried the following org ``` #+TITLE: Dark Theme #+OPTIONS: num:nil toc:nil date:nil timestamp:nil #+REVEAL_ROOT: https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/reveal.js #+REVEAL_REVEAL_JS_VERSION: 4 #+REVEAL_INIT_OPTIONS: slideNumber:false, center:true #+REVEAL_THEME: black #+REVEAL_PLUGINS: (highlight) * Example Slide | ABCD...
I see. Could you please show me the content of the exported HTML?
Great to have an option for custom theme. Would you agree a non-nil `REVEAL_THEME_CUSTOM` should be sufficient for custom theme? So that no `custom` `REVEAL_THEME` is necessary. Only when `REVEAL_THEME_CUSTOM`...
I am afraid there is no way to include a latex package, as org-reveal is an HTML backend. What is necessary of a latex package for exporting reveal.js slides?
Here is an example. ``` #+REVEAL_MATHJAX_URL: https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/mathjax@3/es5/tex-mml-chtml.js * Example Slide $\braket{1 \over w}$ ```
Any sample org to reproduce the error?