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2019-nCov copied to clipboard

Use Google Maps Timeline data to compare with COVID-19 patient history location.

Results 7 2019-nCov issues
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- [x] Check against patient data - [x] Define server side API (could be static file(s)) - [x] Fetch patient data from server - [x] Parse patient data - [x]...


Thanks for your work to help the people in need! Your site has been added to the Open-Source-COVID-19 page, which collects open source projects related to COVID-19, including maps, data,...

Add package.json Updated Israel data

Hello, when downloading the kml file i noticed that it's a lot smaller, so i parsed it and it got 340 locations for me, when [here ](https://takeout.google.com/settings/takeout)i get thousands.

Platform: Android (either Chrome browser or the browser in Facebook App). Didn't test on iOS (iPhone/iPad) yet. Way to reproduce: clicking 'Download' button in step 2 Expect behavior: downloading KML...


It is possible to both track infectious agents and measure the effect on behavior with a Privacy by Design app. The false positive problem is reduced because the proximity data...