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Make drag & drop to work as input file in step 3

Open haimkastner opened this issue 4 years ago • 2 comments

haimkastner avatar Mar 14 '20 20:03 haimkastner

Hi, I'm using chrome on Windows and when I dragged a file to the drag&drop box it moved to step 4 immediately, and not by clicking on the NEXT STEP like when using the simple files input button. also, the selected files input not restart to empty after moving to step 4, this is not fatal errors just a UX improvement.

By the way, if you need any help with bugs or features for this wonderful project I will love to give a hand for it.

haimkastner avatar Mar 14 '20 23:03 haimkastner

Ohoh! This is working as intended. But you brought up a good point of making the UX consistency.

We actually had a discussion on this before. The original design was moving to step 4 immediately once any file is selected or dropped. This can save a click.

But another partner suggested to add a button for file selection. The reason is that when user clicks the , a dialog will pop up, which is like a new context. Then after the user selects a file, the dialog will disappear and user will feel like a context switch back to the main page. In this time, if we move to step 4 immediately, the user may feel discontinued because they were still in the step 3 context. So, a "next step" click is required here to let user knows we are moving forward.

So the un-consistency is intended so that user is aware of the step transition.

But I will keep in mind about your solution -- because I personally prefer removing the click. :-)

Anyway, thank you for uploading this PR. Feel free to submit PR if you see anything can be improved.

yjlou avatar Mar 15 '20 04:03 yjlou