I installed the recent Cxx.jl master branch on MacOS by Pkg.checkout("Cxx") and Pkg.build("Cxx"). Following "Example 8: Using C++ with shared libraries" on https://github.com/Keno/Cxx.jl, I get errors: ``` shell> g++ -shared...
Sorry for bothering you but I have an urgent question about the accuracy of the gene prediction of AUGUSTUS. I am trying to express segments of the new coronavirus SARS-CoV-2...
I get the following error message: ``` $ docker logs v2ray V2Ray 4.22.1 (V2Fly, a community-driven edition of V2Ray.) Custom (go1.13.5 linux/amd64) A unified platform for anti-censorship. main: failed to...
作为一个所有IT及相关人员都可能参与的项目,不应该假设用户知道如何运行Vue App。建议加入下面的命名至README: ``` git clone https://github.com/fengT-T/996_list.git cd 996_list/ npm install npm run serve ``` 最好再加入相关的说明,比如依赖。不然别人只看到一堆文件,都不知道从哪里下手看。我Google了一下如何运行Vue App才搞明白要用上面的命令的。 另外,955里面的链接不正确,点一个链接 直接跳到996页面了。
How can I achieve the following cache expiry functionality in setting `docker-compose.yml`? ChatGPT says "The -e argument does not have any associated value, which makes it unnecessary in this context....
According to documentation in the files, class loess is able to handle multi-dimensional features: loess = _loess.loess """ loess : locally weighted estimates. Multi-variate version :Keywords: x : ndarray A...
Hi @andreas-h, I am developing an open-source biomedical (genomic) data analysis tool, and I need pyloess for fitting data and calculating standard errors. Now I have to install pyloess in...
Hi, I did sudo python3 setup.py install but many errors occured in file "src/_loess.c" The file seems to be automatically generated and is very outdated: /* Generated by Pyrex
Following `./configure`, `make`, `make test`, `make install`, `sudo make install`, everything looks good. However, it only installs in a local directory. The following test would fail: ``` $ cd Rehearse/tests/...
Hi, I almost copied your code to build a server. I can register users, and login only if the password is correct. Then I receive the authentication cookie. However, when...