@yaruwangway Ping.
Please execute this query. ``` curl http://localhost:1317/cosmos/tx/v1beta1/txs/93AC5D98E5EE277E87416CFA4229A65B486B6C523803BD1BB67F798190D76A1C ``` Among the query result; ``` "events": [ { "type": "coin_received", "attributes": [ { "key": "receiver", "value": "cosmos1g42h5gye4ngx2enl9cmamrdupqhj4yapzyx54e" }, { "key": "amount", "value":...
Account `cosmos1x54ltnyg88k0ejmk8ytwrhd3ltm84xehrnlslf ` has 3 transactions at the block height `9268959`. Tx `93AC5D98E5EE277E87416CFA4229A65B486B6C523803BD1BB67F798190D76A1C`, `6250D14BE4316DCDD458D33ABBF93F69125E67342CAEC74F0B543CA8849D31D9` and `9115641491C648ECEAA19C13AD444AAAC99AC7765EE2A4F9109E324309801AFB`. Account `cosmos1x54ltnyg88k0ejmk8ytwrhd3ltm84xehrnlslf` spent `1` uatom , `2196782` uatom and `1500000` uatom. In previous block,...
Then why gaia return like above? Have you ever check this query on your own? ``` curl http://localhost:1317/cosmos/tx/v1beta1/txs/93AC5D98E5EE277E87416CFA4229A65B486B6C523803BD1BB67F798190D76A1C ``` Above query return events like I mentioned. https://github.com/cosmos/gaia/issues/1680#issuecomment-1223990357 Then Why osmosis...
Then account `cosmos1x54ltnyg88k0ejmk8ytwrhd3ltm84xehrnlslf ` & `cosmos1g42h5gye4ngx2enl9cmamrdupqhj4yapzyx54e ` are kind of bridge account to each of osmosis & juno? How this can be distinguished in the blockchain data? Searching raw_log is...
@yaruwangway Ping Please?
Yes. I will post it ASAP. Thank you for the reply.
``` { "tx": { "body": { "messages": [ { "@type": "/ibc.core.client.v1.MsgUpdateClient", "client_id": "07-tendermint-259", "header": { "@type": "/ibc.lightclients.tendermint.v1.Header", "signed_header": { "header": { "version": { "block": "11", "app": "1" }, "chain_id": "osmosis-1",...
@yaruwangway Please see above return from query ; ``` curl http://localhost:1317/cosmos/tx/v1beta1/txs/93AC5D98E5EE277E87416CFA4229A65B486B6C523803BD1BB67F798190D76A1C