
Results 10 issues of yiyi-today

您好,我对您的论文非常感兴趣。您的论文训练时提到“模型在 ImageNet 预训练的 ResNet-18上进行了微调”,请问您具体的微调,是将 ResNet-18特征提取的模型与自己的模型联合起来重新训练,还是将 ResNet-18的某些层冻结后与自己模型联合起来训练?这对我非常重要,非常希望得到您的回答,谢谢!


I am very interested in your paper. But when it comes to accuracy assessment, I have some problems. You used "prfs(labels.data.cpu().numpy().flatten(), cd_preds.data.cpu().numpy().flatten(), average='binary', pos_label=1 in train )" for accuracy evaluation,...

Is your proposed method based on a classification method or a Metric-based method? looking forward to your reply, and it is very important to me. Thank you.

您好,我对您的论文非常感兴趣。由于我刚入门,在理解计算预测图时遇到了一些问题,如标题,cd_preds是模型处理得到的结果,cd_preds的维度是[1(B), 2(C), 256(H), 256(W)],torch.max(cd_preds, 1)是取cd_preds在维度【2(C)】上的最大值,得到了维度为[1,256,256]最大值_和索引号(非0即1)cd_preds1,并将cd_preds1作为最终的预测结果。请问上述我的解析正确吗?cd_preds1作为最终的预测结果的依据是什么?非常希望得到您的回答,谢谢!

** ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/57097748/141707724-50d63d15-35f5-4cff-9286-b6347fc22e1a.png) **I have some questions about 'Criss-Cross Attention'. Here should be C×W×H or C×H×W in the place marked by the red circle?** ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/57097748/141707968-9d092fe9-05f0-4f25-ad33-4b1f80a0edd9.png) **At the same time,** **I have...

You recommend using thop (https://github.com/Lyken17/pytorch-OpCounter) to calculate FLOPs, but the official example of pytorch-OpCounter calculates MACs, does MACs(G)=FLOPs?In addition, why is the Params I calculated slightly different from yours? FC-EF:...

ESRGAN: What type of discriminator is used in the relative discriminator? From your paper, the discriminator type is the same as SRGAN, but it seems different from VGGStyleDiscriminator in discriminator_arch.py...

In 3.1 Spatial Path, there is a sentence "Based on this observation, we propose a Spatial Path to preserve the spatial size of the original input image and encode affluent...

Is your proposed method based on a classification method or a Metric-based method? looking forward to your reply, and it is very important to me. Thank you.